Samantha Ortiz is a Brazilian-American visual artist working with the intersection of fine arts and the slow movement concept of clothing. Exploring the power of the feminine spiral healing frequency, Ortiz partners with active meditation in the process of hand spinning to take it from plant based fibers to yarns to garments to sculptures, translating the spiritual and the aesthetical engagement of the process.

In 20 plus years working with visual art, Ortiz had her work exhibited at Venice Biennial Art, have done lectures, workshops and exhibitions in Art Museums, Art Galleries, Design Stores and Art Institutions in Lisbon (Portugal), Madrid (Spain), Valparaíso (Chile), Indianapolis, New Orleans and New York (USA) and many cities in Brazil. 


1973 Born in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

1993-1995 Fine Arts at FAAP (Faculdade Armando Álvares Penteado/Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation).

1996-1998 Textile Design at ESMOD (École Supérieure des Art et Technique de la Mode/Graduate School of Fashion Arts and Techniques).

1993-today Studied Fine Arts at FAAP College (Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado/Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation), Textile Design at ESMOD (École Supérieure des Art et Technique de la Mode/College of Art and Fashion Textile Techniques), Painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor), Natural Dyeing, Photography, Drawing, Spinning, Knitting, Batik, Shibori, Pojagi, Wood and Metal Engraving, Lithography, Patchwork & Quilting and Contemporary Jewelry. Other areas of studying include The I Ching (Philosophical Taxonomy of the Universe), NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing Meditation (Tibetan Buddhism) from Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, The Secret Doctrine (Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy) from Helena Blavatsky and Reiki The Usui System of Healing (Japanese Healing Art) from Mikao Usui.

2003-2018 Studio in Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil.

2018-today Studio in Indianapolis, IN, USA.


USA, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Chile and Brazil.

Venice Biennial, Lisbon, New York, Indianapolis, Madrid, Valparaiso, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Campinas, Belo horizonte, São José dos Campos, Botucatu, Porto Alegre, Espírito Santo and Brasília.

2010   Exhibition of paintings, a series of 'Lentes' at Livraria da Vila, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2013   Slow Clothing at Cavalo de Pau, Lisbon, Portugal.

2013   Slow Clothing at Histórias na Garagem, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

2013   Installation Art at MUBE (Museu Brasileiro de Escultura/Brazilian Museum of Sculpture) with  ‘A Caixa de Pandora’ (Pandora’s Box), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2014   'Wait To Be Ready' Painting Exhibition in Venice Biennial of Art for Luciano Benetton project with Imago Mundi in 'Brazil: a Land of the Future', Venice, Italy.

2014   Contemporary Jewelry and Installation at Amoreira Design Store, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2014   Slow Clothing Exhibition at Novo Desenho (New Design) store in MAM (Museu de Arte Moderna/Museum of Modern Art), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

2014   Slow Clothing Exhibition at Vila 211, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

2014   Slow Clothing Exhibition in the Art Circuit at Casa XX VINTE, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

2015   Photography and Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition on DW Design Week at Casa Goia, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2015   'From Death To Rebirth' Contemporary Jewelry with Broca Group at Casa E Gallery, Valparaiso, Chile.

2016   Slow Clothing Exhibition at Casa XX VINTE, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

2016   'Onze' Art Installation Exhibition with Itinerant Group at Baró Gallery, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2016   'Whisper Down The Lane' Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition with Broca Group in SNBA (Sociedades Nacional de Belas Artes/National Society of Fine Arts), Lisbon, Portugal.

2016   Exhibition 'From Death To Rebirth' Contemporary Jewelry with Broca Group at Virgílio Gallery, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2018   Slow Clothing Exhibition at Art & Design Store Tororó at MCB (Museu da Casa Brasileira/Museum of The Brazilian House), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2018   'Scapular' Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition in Tanto Mar at MUDE (Museu de Design e Moda/ Museum of Fashion and Design), Lisbon, Portugal.

2018   'Chest' and 'Elbows' Contemporary Jewelry in 'That Thing That Embraces You' at CCBA (Centro Cultural Brasil-Argentina/Brasil-Argentina Cultural Center) in a partnership with II Latin American Biennial, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2018   'Re-Trato 3x4' Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition with Broca Group at Alice Flor Gallery, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2018   ‘Esse Meu Corpo/This body of Mine’ and ‘Suas Duas Cabeças/Your Two Heads’ Paintings were Digitally Exhibited in The Latin American Contemporary Fine Art Competition at Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA. 

2019   Exhibition 'I Can Tell You Now' Contemporary Jewelry pin series at Gallery 924, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2019   'Chest' and 'Elbows' Contemporary Jewelry in 'That Thing That Embraces You' at Virgílio Gallery, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2019   'Anágua' Sculpture Exhibition at Centro Cultural Casa do Brasil (Brazilian Cultural Center House), with WTA 2019 VIII International Biennial of Textile Art, Madrid, Spain.

2019 Exhibition 'Do Millennials still Like Pink?' Installation at Harrison Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2020   ‘The Other Side of The Window’ Digital Exhibition at The Arts Council of Indianapolis at Gallery 924, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2021 Collective Exhibition from the selected Brazilian artists in partnership with III Biennial Latin American Contemporary Jewelry Artworks, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2021. Exhibition “Plant Your Feet’ at Gallery 924 The Arts Council of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2022-2023 Exhibition “The Spider’s Tale” at Indianapolis International Airport, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2022-2023 “I Carry My Loved Ones With Me” video exhibited on the monitor at Indianapolis International Airport, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2023 Collective Exhibition ‘Textile Expression: A journey through American Art’ at Gallery Flavio Dolce, New Orleans, LA, USA.

2024 ‘Welcome To Your Mind’ the DeHaan Artist of Distinction Award exhibition at Gallery 924 in the Indianapolis Arts Council, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2024 ‘From My Meditation To Your Meditation’ the Herbert Simon Family Foundation Award exhibition at Phoenix Theater, Indianapolis, IN, USA.


2012   Exhibition of 'Lado B' Installation Award at A CASA (Museu do Objeto Brasileiro/Museum of Brazilian Object), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2014   Exhibition in Annual Competition with 'Casaco Sem Sobras' Installation at MCB (Museu da Casa Brasileira/Museum of the Brazilian House), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2023 ‘Welcome To Your Mind’ received DeHaan Artist of Distinction Award offered annually and administered by the Indianapolis Arts Council and funded entirely by the Christel DeHaan Family Foundation, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2023 ‘From My Meditation To Your Meditation’ received Creative Risk Fund Award, a project of the Herbert Simon Family Foundation, Indianapolis, IN, USA.


2003-2010   Partnership developing Textile Objects for Etel Interiores Gallery, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2010-2019   Partnership in creating Slow Clothing for IT Design Store in Tomie Ohtake Institute, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2012-2017   Worked with Broca Group developing Contemporary Jewelry, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2014   Held Painting and Slow Clothing workshop for Art & Design students from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista/São Paulo State University), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2015   Lecture and Exhibition at UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista/São Paulo State University) for students of Art and Design, Botucatu, SP, Brazil.

2015   Held knitting workshop at Casa Goia, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2015   'Arm' Contemporary Jewelry Project with Nicole UUrbanus where people actually wore the pieces over London, Netherlands, New York, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Amsterdam and Austria.

2015   Theater Costume for Leila Pinheiro Concert Tour, many cities in Brazil.

2016   Theater Costumes for Romeo and Juliet from William Shakespeare's play at Casa Goia, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2016   Theater Costume for Barbara Gancia at Saia Justa TV Show, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

2017   Contemporary Jewelry at Escambo Studio & Gallery, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2017   Theater Costumes for Romeo and Juliet from William Shakespeare's play at Casa Goia, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2017   Theater Costume for Leila Pinheiro Concert Tour, many cities in Brazil.

2020​ ​ Virtual Live edition of the 2020 Making it IN Fashion Industry Conference​ “Fashion: Art, Entertainment, or Business?”, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2021 Artworks, Slow Clothing and Amulets at SALA 51, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2023 Evaluated a student of Art and Design thesis from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista/São Paulo State University), Botucatu, SP, Brazil.

2024 Artist Talk at ‘Exploration of Women in Art’ class at Ivy Tech College, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2024 Photo Mural from the series ‘Basket’, for the Sidewalk Galleries, Indianapolis, IN, USA.


2010   Slow Clothing and Art Installation at Paralela Design Fair, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2012   Interior Design Textile Painting Project, Slow Clothing and Art Installation at Paralela Design Fair, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2013   Slow Clothing at Abit (Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção/Brazilian Association of the Textile and Clothing Industry), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2014   Photographies, Paintings, Slow Clothing, Contemporary Jewelry and Art Installation at Paralela Design Fair, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2017   Exhibition 'From Death To Rebirth' Contemporary Jewelry with Broca Group at MADE (Mercado de Arte Design/Design Art Market), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2019 'Chest' and 'Elbows' Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition in 'That Thing That Embraces You' at MADE (Mercado de Arte Design/Design Art Market), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.